


/NAYI YPI Batch 44

NAYI YPI Batch 44

33 modules

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<p>Unlock your Yoga Teacher potential with YPI Batch 41!</p>



Yoga Protocol Instructor Batch 41 is a comprehensive course designed to provide foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary for individuals interested in becoming certified yoga instructors. This course will cover various yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation practices, and teaching methodologies.

Key Highlights:

  • In-depth understanding of yoga philosophy and principles
  • Hands-on practice of different yoga asanas
  • Guidance on correct alignment and adjustments
  • Insights into the benefits and contraindications of each pose
  • Development of effective sequencing and class planning skills
  • Understanding of yoga anatomy and physiology
  • Practical teaching experience through class observations and practice teaching sessions

What you will learn:

  • Yoga Asanas:
    Learn and practice various yoga postures with correct alignment and modifications to suit different individuals.
  • Pranayama:
    Explore different breathing techniques to enhance breath control and overall well-being.
  • Meditation:
    Discover the art of meditation and experience its profound benefits for mental clarity and relaxation.
  • Teaching Methodologies:
    Gain insights into effective teaching strategies, class management, and communication skills for conducting engaging yoga classes.
  • Anatomy and Physiology:
    Understand the anatomical structures and physiological effects of yoga asanas on the body.
  • Sequencing and Class Planning:
    Learn how to create well-structured yoga sequences and design classes suitable for different levels and goals.
  • Ethics and Professionalism:
    Develop a strong foundation in ethical practices and professionalism as a yoga instructor.


YPI Batch 44 Day1 - 09Mar

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Etymology of Yoga and definitions of Yoga in different Classical Yoga texts Yoga : Its origin, history and development. Introduction to Yogic Sukshma & Sthool Vyayam Neck Movement,Griva Shakti Vikasaka ( I,II,III,IV), Shoulder Movement, Bhuja Valli Shakti Vikasaka, Purna Bhuja Shakti Vikasaka, Kati Shakti Vikasaka (I, II, III, IV, V )Knee Movement,Jangha Shakti Vikasaka (II-A&B ),Janu Shakti Vikasaka,Pada-mula shakti Vikasaka – A&B,Gulpha-pada-pristha-pada-tala shakti Vikasaka (Macro Circulation Practices), Sarvanga Pushti, Hrid Gati (Engine Daud)

Batch 44 YPI Day2 - 10Mar

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The movement of key joints of the body and the demonstrated ability to perform the same Sectional breathing (abdominal, thoracic and clavicular) Introduction to Shatkarma: meaning, purpose and their significance in Yoga Sadhana. Kapalrandradhauti, Karnarandradhauti, Dant Dhauti, Jivhamool

Batch 44 YPI Day3 - 16Mar

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Introduction to Yogasana: meaning, principles, and their health benefits. First Part Prayer: Concept and recitation of Pranava and hymns. Guidelines for Instructors YCB Regimen - 1 - Asana portion

YPI Batch 44 Day4 - 17Mar

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Principles of Yoga Triguna Concept of Pancha kosha Knowledge and practice of Kapalabhati. Yoga Cleansing Techniques- Jalaneti

Batch 44 YPI Day5 - 23Mar

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1.1 Purpose and importance of Pranayama in Hatha Yoga 1.6 Introduction to Yoga practices for health and well being. 4.5 YCB Regimen - 1

YPI Batch 44 Day6 - 24Mar

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Principles of Yoga Anthakarana Chatustaya Introduction to major schools of Yoga (Bhakti, Karma, Patanjali). Sukshma Vyayam Pawanmuktasana series 1,2,3 from APMB YCB Regimen - 1

YPI Batch 44 Day7 - 30Mar

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2.1 Definition

YPI Batch 44 Day8 - 31Mar

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Ashtang Yoga Yama Niyama, Surya Namaskar Practical, Regimen Teaching Practice

YPI Batch 44 Day9 - 06Apr

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Chitta-Vrittis, Chitta-vrittinirodhopaya (Abhyasa and Vairagya), YCB Regimen - 2

YPI Batch 44 Day10 - 07Apr

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2.1 Chitta-vrittinirodhopaya (Abhyasa and Vairagya) 1.5 Introduction to major schools of Yoga (Jnana, Hatha) 4.5 Teaching Practice of Regimen 2 - Bhujangasana, Ardha Halasana, Pawan Muktasana, 4.2 Tratak

YPI Batch 44 Day11 - 13Apr

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1.1 Introduction to Dhyan - Concept of environment for meditation and the benefits of meditation on health and well-being and its practical application in modern life. (Dhyan & its benefits) 4.5 YCB Regimen - 2 2.4 General Introduction to Prasthanatrayee. 4.7 Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka

YPI Batch 44 Day12 - 14Apr

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3.3 Yogic positive attitudes ( Maîtri, Karuna, Mudita, Upeksha). 2.7 Concept of mental wellbeing according to Patanjala Yoga, Klesha 4.5 YCB Regimen - 3

Batch 44 YPI - 18Apr

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Journal Discussion

YPI Batch 44 Day13 - 20Apr

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3.2 Meaning and Means of health promotion and role of Yoga in health promotion. 3.1 Yoga for personality development. 4.5 Teaching topic : Shuddhi Kriya, Sukshma Vyayam, Surya Namaskar, Sectional Breathing, Asana, Pranayam, PYS 4.7 Nadishodhan, Sectional breathing practice guided by Teacher NAYI Test - 1

YPI Batch 44 Day14 - 21Apr

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3.1 Functions of different systems of human body - Musculo skeletal 4.5 YCB Regimen - 3 4.5 Teaching Practice of Katichakrasana, Trikonasana, Uttan Mandukasana,

3.1 Functions of different systems of human body - Musculo skeletal 4.5 YCB Regimen - 3 4.5 Teaching Practice of Katichakrasana, Trikonasana, Uttan Mandukasana,

YPI Batch 44 Day15 - 27Apr

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2.3 Introduction to important Hatha Yoga Texts with special reference to Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2.6 Significance of Hatha Yoga practices in health and well being. 4.5 Relaxative Asana, Teach Shavasan commentary 4.4 Surya Namaskar Refinement

YPI Batch 44 Day16 - 28Apr

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3.1 Functions of different systems of human body - Digestive system 3.1 Functions of different systems of human body - Respiratory 4.5 YCB Regimen - 4

YPI Batch 44 Day17 - 04May

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2.5 Introduction to Yogic diet and nutrition 4.5 Teaching Practice of Vipareet Karani, Saral Matsyasana, Shashankasan NAYI Theory Revision

YPI Batch 44 Day18 - 05 May 24

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4.9 Hasta Mudras (Chin, Chinmaya, Brahma, adi, jnana, Dhyana and Nasika) 4.11 G Salient features of Ideal Yoga Instructor. 4.7 Bhramari, Sheetali THEORY 4.5 YCB Regimen - 4

YPI Batch 44 Day19 - 18 May 24

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2.2 Introduction and study of Bhagavad Gita 4.6 Teaching practice of Sectional Breathing, Full Yogic breathing and Anulom Vilom 4.11 A Essentials of good lesson plan: concepts, needs, planning of teaching Yoga (Shatkriya,Asana, Pranayama & practices leading to Dhyana) 4.5 Teaching Practice of Purvottanasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana,

YPI Batch 44 Day20 - 19 May 24

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4.8 Understanding of Bandha 4.5 Benefits of various Asanas on different parts of human body Bhalekar book Table 4.5 YCB Regimen - 5

4.8 Understanding of Bandha 4.5 Benefits of various Asanas on different parts of human body Bhalekar book Table 4.5 YCB Regimen - 5

YPI Batch 44 Day21 - 25 May 24

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2.5 Concept of Yogic Diet (HP) & Aahar (BG) 4.5 Teaching Practice of Padahastasana, Paschimottanasana, Ushtrasana 4.5 YCB Regimen - 5 4.5 Theory Meditative Asana 4.1 Body Awarness

YPI Batch 44 Day22 - 26 May 24

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3.6 Holistic approach of Yoga towards health and diseases 4.7 Pranayama Teaching Practice Sheetali, Bhramari 4.8 Bandha - Practice 4.1 Recitation of selected hymns, invocations and prayers from Vedas & Upanishadas for Meditation 4.5 Teaching Practice Shavasan, Uttana Padasana, Bhadrasana

YPI Batch 44 Day23 - 01 Jun 23

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3.9 Yoga in prevention of metabolic and respiratory disorders. 4.1 Breath Awarness 4.5 YCB Regimen - 6

YPI Batch 44 Day24 - 02 Jun 24

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3.4 Concept of bhavas (Dharma, Jnana, Vairagya, Aishvarya) 4.11 H Model of Ideal Yoga Lesson Plan 2.1 Importance of subjective experience in daily Yoga practice. 4.5 Teaching Practice of Ardha Chakrasana, Vrikshasana, Meru Vakrasana

YPI Batch 44 Day25 - 08 Jun 24

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3.7 Introduction to First aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). 4.5 YCB Regimen - 6 2.9 Concepts of healthy living in Bhagwad Gita. 4.1 Recitation of Pranava & Soham

CPR part II

YPI Batch 44 Day26 - 09 Jun 24

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3.8 Yogic management of stress and its consequences. 4.11 B Protocol Program Practice 4.7 Pranayama practice (Sectional Breathing) teaching by students

YPI Batch 44 Day27 - 15 Jun 24

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3.5 Dincharya and Ritucharya with respect to Yogic life style. 4.11 B Principles of teaching Yoga protocol to different groups (beginners,children, youth,women, Geriatric population, and special attention group). 4.5 Meditation Teaching Practice with help of Mudra/Mantra/Pranava & Soham

YPI Batch 44 Day28 - 16 Jun 24

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4.1 Yoga Nidra NAYI Test - 2

YPI Batch 44 Day29 - 22 Jun 24

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4.11 F Conducting yoga practical lessons: Precautions & Contraindications of practices) - Knowledge questions for practical Exam 4.5 Demonstration Practice from Exam point of view 4.11 B Teaching Topic : Hatha Yog, Meditation, Ashtang Yoga, Yogic Diet, AVAV, Yoga for Stress, Yoga Nidra

YPI Batch 44 Day30 - 23 Jun 23

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NAYI Theory Revision 4.5 Teaching Practice from Exam point of view NAYI EXAM REGISTRATION STARTS


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YPI Batch 44 Prelium Exam Dt 29/06/24

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Prelium Test

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