


/NAYI Yoga Therapy Course - Batch 4
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NAYI Yoga Therapy Course - Batch 4

93 modules

Lifetime access



YCB Certified NAYI Yoga Therapy Course - Batch 4 is a comprehensive program designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of yoga therapy. This course is suitable for individuals who wish to enhance their understanding of yoga and its therapeutic applications. Through a combination of theoretical study, practical sessions, and hands-on experience, participants will develop a strong foundation in yoga therapy and learn how to use yoga as a holistic healing tool for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The course covers various aspects of yoga therapy, including anatomy and physiology, pathology and disease management, therapeutic sequencing, breathwork, meditation, and much more.

Key Highlights:

Comprehensive program on yoga therapy
In-depth theoretical study and practical sessions
Holistic approach to healing through yoga
Focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being
Learn anatomy, pathology, and therapeutic sequencing
Develop skills in physical processes, breathwork and meditation
What you will learn:

Learning Outcome 1
Gain a thorough understanding of the principles and philosophy of yoga therapy.
Learning Outcome 2
Develop knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and their applications in yoga therapy.
Learning Outcome 3
Learn about common pathologies and diseases, and how to design therapeutic yoga practices for their management.
Learning Outcome 4
Master the art of sequencing yoga therapy sessions for individuals and groups with specific needs.
Learning Outcome 5
Acquire skills in physical skills, breathwork techniques and their therapeutic benefits.
Learning Outcome 6
Explore various meditation practices and their integration into yoga therapy programs.


Day 1 - 2nd Jan

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Introduction and Cell Anatomy

Cell Anatomy

Day 2

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Day 4 - 5th Jan

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Histology - Nerve - structure and properties of neurons


Day 3 6th Jan

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Nervous System : Anatomy - Gross - Cerebrum, cerebellum, Nervous System : Anatomy - Gross - Cerebrum, cerebellum, Spinal cord.


Day 5 - 8th Jan

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Autonomic nervous system - Sympathetic and parasympathetic - anatomy & functions.

ANS Dr. engineer

Day 6 - 10th Jan

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Practical : Hymns and Mantras, Shatkarma, PM1, PM2, Practical : Hymns and Mantras, Shatkarma, PM1, PM2, PM3

Day 7 - 11th Jan 24

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"Opening and closing of sphincter; Role of Kriyas in smooth operation of sphincter ; Mechanism of action of Kriya practices in the activation of vagus nerve,"


Day 8 - 12th Jan

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Role of Yoga practices on various Neurological Disorder like Migraine, Headaches, Cerebrovascular accidents, Epilepsy

Day 9 - 16th Jan

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"Antaraya, Klesha, Parikarmas & Concept of Bhavas and Bhavanas with its relevance in Health and well-being."

Day 10 - 17th Jan

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"Jalandharabandha effects neck joint complexes; Uddiyanbandha effects upper joint complexes; and Moolabandha for lower back joint complexes; Principles behind the practice of Mudras; Role of mudra and its physiological functions of the body"


Bandha-Joint complex

Day 11 - 18th Jan

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Practical : Asanas

Day 15 - 19th Jan

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Role of Shuddhi Prakriyas in preventive, promotive and curative aspects of Yoga Therapy -Health, Ghata Shuddhi (Shat- karma) Role of Shuddhi Prakriyas in preventive, promotive and curative aspects of Yoga Therapy - Karma Shuddhi (Yama, Niyama),

Ghata and Karma Shuddhi

22 pages

Shuddhi Prakriyas

Ghata and Karma Shuddhi

Day 13 - 22th Jan -cancelled

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Practical : Asanas

Day 12 - 23rd Jan

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Endocrine System : Anatomy - Gross , Thyroid, Parathyroid, Supra - renal, Pituitary, Islets of Langerhans - Function of thyroid and parathyroid hormone, effect of hypo and hyperactivity on the body.

Emdocrine 1

Day 16 - 24th Jan

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Role of Yoga practices on various Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders like Diabetes Mellitus, Thyroid Disorders

Day 14 - 25th Jan

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Hormones of pituitary gland- its action and effect of hypo & hyper activity on the body. Role of insulin in glucose metabolism.

Day 17 - 29th Jan

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Respiratory System: Anatomy-Gross

Respiratory system (2)

Day 18 - 30th Jan

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Histological - Mechanism of Breathing, Exchange of gases

Day 19 - 31st Jan

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Snayu Shuddhi (Asana), Prana Shuddhi (Pranayama), Indriya and Mano Shuddhi (Pratyahara), Mana, Buddhi, Ahamkar and ChittaShuddhi (Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi).

Day 20 - 01st Feb

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Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome;


Day 21 - 2nd Feb

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DB Surya namaskar, normal SN, Chandra Namaskar, Veer Bhadrasana SN,

Day 22 - 5th Feb

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"Pranayama: Mechanism of respiratory system and gas exchange, Regulation of respiration,"

EFFECTS OF PRANAYAMA on systems.pptx (1)

Day 23 - 6th Feb

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Homeostasis: The concept of homeostasis, Homeostasis, Regulatory systems of the body

Day 24 - 7th Feb

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Effects of kriya on GIT and Respiratory physiology; peristalsis and mechanism of action, Effect of Kriyas in encouraging the peristalsis;


Day 25 - 8th Feb

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Study of - cognitive processes. Higher mental processes, feeling and emotion, mental abilities and personality. A comparative study of total personality according to Yoga and Modern Psychology. Its Meaning, definition and nature of consciousness as described in Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagwad Gita, Yogasutra and Yogavashishtha;

Mind and consciousness in yoga

Mind and Consciousness ppt

Day 26 - 9th Feb

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Psycho- physiological effect of Pranayama: changing of ratio of oxygen and carbonic carbon–dioxide in our body; enabling different groups of muscles in breathing; Pranayama as respiratory pump;

Day27 - 12th Feb

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Role of Yoga practices on various Respiratory Disorders like Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Sleep apnea & Sinusitis;

Day28 - 13th Feb

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Nadi shodhan with bandh and kumbhak, Ajap japa, Pranav Japa, Sheetkrama, vyutkrama , Ujjaiye

Day29 - 14th Feb

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Heyamdukhamanagatam Tapatrayas Spiritual and scientific approach to human consciousness. Yogic Method of elevation of human consciousness: Bhaktiyoga, Jnanyoga, Karmayoga, Mantrayoga, Ashtangayoga, Hathayoga.

Day30 -15th Feb

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Blood and Immune System: Composition of blood corpuscles - R.B.C., W.B.C., Platelets. Plasma, Hemoglobin -

Day31 - 16th Feb

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Cardiovascular system: Anatomy of Heart and blood vessels -

Day32 - 19th Feb

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Practical : Pranayam, Mudra, Bandh

Day33 - 20th Feb

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Role of Yoga practices on various Cardiovascular disorders like Hypertension, Atherosclerosis / Coronary artery disease, Angina pectoris / Myocardial Infarction ;

Day34 - 21st Feb

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"Knowledge of sthula and sukhshmavyayam for different parts of the body; Physiological benefits of sthula and sukhsamvyayam on human body in preparation of yogic practice."

Day35 - 22nd Feb

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Skeletal System : types, Structure & function, Spinal column. Joints - Types, Structure, Functions.

Day36 - 23rd Feb

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Applications and Understanding of Patanjali Yoga & Personality Development. The nature of seer in pure state, Concept of Vrttis – Nature, classification, definition, method to control of chittavrttis (Abhyasa and Vairagya)

Day37 - 26th Feb

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Sanskar Bhedan


Day38 - 27th Feb

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"Practical Yoga programs for Hypertension, Atherosclerosis / Coronary artery disease, Angina pectoris / Myocardial Infarction"

Sanskar Bhedan 2

Sanskar Bhedan 1

Day39 - 28th Feb

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Sanskar Bhedan + Anat Physio Revision questions

Day40 - 29th Feb

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Muscular System : Muscle - Classification - Mechanism of muscle contraction (Brief) - Names of major muscles

Day41 - 01st Mar

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"Musculo-Skeletal disorders like Back Pain, Neck pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Muscular dystrophy;"

Day42 - 04th Mar

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"Asana: Physiology of exercise, Asana - Types and Categories; Musculo skeletal system and mechanisms involved; Mechanical influence of Yogasana; Effect of Yogic practices in setting up the internal environment of the body, MM Gore Pg 38 to 51"

Day43 - 05th Mar

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Physiological parameters and clinical examination: Knowledge of Clinical examination, heart rate, pulse rate and respiratory rate, Measurement of flexibility.

Day44 - 06th Mar

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Day45 - 07th Mar

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Nomenclature of Muscles with Atlas Software

Day47 - 12th Mar

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"Practical : Role of Yoga practices on various Musculo-Skeletal disorders like Back Pain, Neck pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Muscular dystrophy;"

Day48 - 13th Mar

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Ayurveda -I

Day49 - 14th Mar

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Ayurveda -II

Day50 - 15th Mar

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Digestive system: Anatomy - Gross

Day46 - 17th Mar

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Digestive system: Anatomy - Gross

Day51 - 18Mar

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"Role of Yoga practices on various Digestive and Excretory Disorders like Dyspepsia, Hyperacidity, Peptic Ulcers, Constipation, haemorrhoids and Irritable Bowel Syndrome;"

Day52 - 19Mar

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Reading of Blood / Urine Reports, X-Ray, MRI, etc.

Day53 - 20Mar

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"Practical Yoga techniques for Digestive system disorders"

Day54 - 21Mar

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Reproductive System: Anatomy - Gross Female reproductive system - Ovarian harmones, Menstruation, Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation.

Day55 - 22Mar

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Naturopathy and Siddha Systems of Medicine

Day56 - 26Mar

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Reproductive System: Anatomy - Gross Male reproductive system - Spermatogenesis.

Day59 - 27Mar

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"Practical Yoga techniques for Digestive system disorders"

Day58 - 28Mar

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Role of Yoga practices on various Obstetric & Gynecological Disorders like Menstrual Disorder(menstrual cramp, dysmenorrheal, pre-menstrual syndrome), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS/PCOD), Pre-eclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH),Menopausal discomfort (anxiety, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes.);

Day59 - 29Mar

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"Practical Obstetric & Gynecological Disorders like Menstrual Disorder(menstrual cramp, dysmenorrheal, pre-menstrual syndrome), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS/PCOD), Pre-eclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH),Menopausal discomfort (anxiety, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes.);"

Day60 - 01Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day61 - 02Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day62 - 03Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day63 - 04Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day64 - 05Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day65 - 08Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day66 - 10Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day67 - 11Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day68 - 12Apr

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Physiological effect of Hatha Yoga practices

Day69 - 15Apr

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Backward Bending, stretching variation, Bhastrika , vayu shuddhi Bhole sir

Day70 - 16Apr

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"Excretory System Anatomy-Gross, Structure and functions of skin-Regulation of body temperature."

Day71 - 18Apr

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Practical Hip Opening Exercises

Day72 - 19Apr

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Special senses : Eyes Anatomy - Histology of retina, Corneal function, Physiology of vision & accommodation, Sense of smell - nasal mucosa, tongue, taste buds. Ear-Mechanism of hearing and function of semicircular canal.

Day73 - 23Apr

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Meditation: Different types of meditation its impacts on cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nerve – muscle physiology.

Day74 - 24Apr

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Day75 - 25Apr

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Day76 - 26Apr

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Day77 - 29Apr

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Yoga Vasishtha

Day78 - 30Apr

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"Practical : Meditation its impacts on relaxation of each and every system of body."

Day79 - 02May

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Bhagvadgita/Yoga Vasishtha

Day80 - 03May

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Yoga Vasishtha

Day82 - 14May

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Concept of food and Nutrition and its components,concept of Health and Malnutrition


24 pages

Day83 - 15May

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Assessment of Nutritional status, knowledge of Therapeutic Modifications of Normal Diet

Day84 - 16May

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Preparation of Therapeutic charts for special groups/patients, Role of Yogic diet in health and disease

Day85 - 17May

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Practical Class

Day86 - 20May

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Anthropometry measurements:-Weight, stature, eye height, Body Mass Index, Body Surface Area, Shoulder height, elbow height, head circumference, neck circumference, mid upper arm circumference, chest circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, waist hip ratio, Measurement of fat percentage.

Anthropometry measurements

Day87 - 21 May

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Knowledge of Reflexes, Measurement of strength of muscle.

Day88 - 22 May

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Physical measurements:-Effects of exercise, cold stress and postural change on blood pressure and pulse rate, Knowledge of COG, LOG, BOS in Asanas (in Sitting, standing, lying, balancing asanas)

Day89 - 23 May

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Day90- 30 May

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Day91 - 06 Jun

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Practical class

Day92 - 12Jun

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Vibhuti Pada

Vibhuti & Kaivalya Pada contd

Day93 - 13Jun

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Kaivalya pada

Day94 - 14Jun

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Kaivalya pada


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Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

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